Research Products

Group for Legal and Political Studies publishes Policy Notes, Policy Analysis, and Policy Reports in response to significant events and/or to provide information, analysis, recommendations related to particular areas of interest.

Featured Publications

Policy Analysis

Reflecting on the Third Year of Kurti II: Setbacks and Achievements in Rule of Law, Public Administration and Foreign Policy

Policy Analysis

Lost, “in the Twilight Zone” Rebutting the Court’s Blunder

Policy Analysis

(Two) Sovereigns on a Train

Showing Publications

Policy Analysis

New Law on Salaries: An examination of Potential Socio-Economic Effects

Policy Notes

Arrivederci Mogherini. The empty legacy of Frederica Mogherini is definite but her successor, Josep Borrell, should not gripe

Policy Analysis

State Aid in Kosovo: A Wake-up Call

Policy Reports

The Outcome of the European Elections from the Angle of Kosovo and the Western Balkans Enlargement: A comprehensive report

Policy Notes

Specialist Chambers in Action: A Review of Key Developments Relating to the Operation of the Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office

Policy Notes

Manifesto for Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia

Policy Analysis

An Analysis of the Recent Developments in the Kosovo Serbia Dialogue: A perspective from Brussels

Policy Analysis

The forthcoming new European Parliament and European Commission mandate amidst the international arena: how will the geostrategic interests of Kosovo factor into it

Policy Analysis

Dialogue through Documents: An Analysis of The Resolution, Law, and Platform on Kosovo – Serbia Dialogue

Policy Analysis

(UN) LEVELING THE FIELD – A Competition Tale! (II)

Policy Analysis

Introducing the Concept of Private Enforcement in Competition Law

Policy Analysis

European Reform Agenda (ERA) – Monitoring Report for year 2018