Policy Notes

Policy Notes provide short, concise, timely, informative, and policy oriented analysis on specific issues. Policy Notes are short papers which outline the rationale for choosing a particular policy alternative of action in a current policy/issue debate. They are commonly published in response to a specific event and advocate for the professional stand of the Group for Legal and Political Studies. Indeed, the Policy Note is an action and advocacy-oriented document, which provides arguments for the adoption/amendment of a particular policy choice. Policy Notes aim to influence the target audience on the significance/implications/solutions of the current problem, and therefore brings recommendations to policy-makers, civil society and media, and the general public.

Showing Policy Notes

Policy Notes

The Future of Kosova-Serbia Dialogue: Normalization as a Sisyphean Exercise

Policy Notes

The Phenomenon of Acting Positions within the Public Administration

Policy Notes

Soft vs. Hard Power: The EU’s Lacking Mandate from the Eastern Europe’s Fast-Tracked Membership to Western Balkans Enlargement

Policy Notes

Vetting in the Judiciary: What should we expect?

Policy Notes

Civil Confiscation Procedure in Kosovo: What did the Venice Commission say?

Policy Notes

Outcome of the 2022 EU-Western Balkans Summit: The Last Straw?

Policy Notes

A Never-Ending Visa Liberalization Process for Kosovo: Between Commitments and Disillusionment

Policy Notes

Confiscation of Unjustifiably Acquired Assets in Kosovo: Five key issues to consider during the law drafting process

Policy Notes

Reviewing Kurti’s New Government Plan: What is realistic, what is implausible and what is missing?

Policy Notes

Rationalization of Independent Regulatory Agencies in Kosovo: What are the options?

Policy Notes

Pillars of a visionary plan: Some of the key priorities for Kurti II Government

Policy Notes

The issue of the new President is looming over the election results