Policy Reports

Policy Reports are lengthy papers which provide a tool/forum for the thorough and systematic analysis of important policy issues, designed to offer well informed scientific and policy-based solutions for significant public policy problems. In general, Policy Reports aim to present value-oriented arguments, propose specific solutions in public policy – whereby influencing the policy debate on a particular issue – through the use of evidence as a means to push forward the comprehensive and consistent arguments of our organization. In particular, they identify key policy issues through reliable methodology which helps explore the implications on the design/structure of a policy. Policy Reports are very analytical in nature; hence, they not only offer facts or provide a description of events but also evaluate policies to develop questions for analysis, to provide arguments in response to certain policy implications and to offer policy choices/solutions in a more comprehensive perspective. Policy Reports serve as a tool for influencing decision-making

Showing Policy Reports

Policy Reports

Western Balkan PAR Monitor 2019/2020

Policy Reports

International Competition and Geopolitical Stakes in the Framework of the Resumption of the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

Policy Reports

The Outcome of the European Elections from the Angle of Kosovo and the Western Balkans Enlargement: A comprehensive report

Policy Reports

Kosovo Public Administration Reform Monitoring Report 2017-2018

Policy Reports

Western Balkan Public Administration Monitor 2017-2018

Policy Reports

(Un) Leveling the Field: A Competition Tale!

Policy Reports

Linking the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue to the EU Enlargement Strategy: which accession prospects are at stake

Policy Reports

Policy-Making Cycle in Kosovo: A view on systemic challenges and potential reform directions

Policy Reports

Integrating Kosovo into the United Nations System

Policy Reports

Accountability of Independent Regulatory Agencies in Kosovo: A view on current perspectives and key challenges

Policy Reports

Political Impacts of the Stabilisation and Association Agreements: A comparative study

Policy Reports

Determinants of Trust in Institutions in Kosovo: An empirical perspective