Research Products

Group for Legal and Political Studies publishes Policy Notes, Policy Analysis, and Policy Reports in response to significant events and/or to provide information, analysis, recommendations related to particular areas of interest.

Featured Publications

Policy Analysis

Reflecting on the Third Year of Kurti II: Setbacks and Achievements in Rule of Law, Public Administration and Foreign Policy

Policy Analysis

Lost, “in the Twilight Zone” Rebutting the Court’s Blunder

Policy Analysis

(Two) Sovereigns on a Train

Showing Publications

Policy Notes

An Ahtisaari ‘Plus’ Paradigm for the northern Kosovo: a Unified or a Divisive Approach for Ethnic Communities in Kosovo?

Policy Notes

A Comprehensive Agenda for the North: The New European Approach

Policy Reports

For a Semi-Presidential Regime: Where is the New-Born Republic Heading?

Policy Analysis

Customs Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia: Challenges and Prospects