Research Products

Group for Legal and Political Studies publishes Policy Notes, Policy Analysis, and Policy Reports in response to significant events and/or to provide information, analysis, recommendations related to particular areas of interest.

Featured Publications

Policy Analysis

Reflecting on the Third Year of Kurti II: Setbacks and Achievements in Rule of Law, Public Administration and Foreign Policy

Policy Analysis

Lost, “in the Twilight Zone” Rebutting the Court’s Blunder

Policy Analysis

(Two) Sovereigns on a Train

Showing Publications

Policy Analysis

Budgeting Partisan Needs: Kosovo, European priorities and the Government budget planning

Policy Analysis

An Assessment of the Uniformity of the Foreign Policy Law

Policy Analysis

The Establishment of a Serbian-Language Public Broadcasting Channel in Kosovo: A new approach to increasing the participation of ethnic communities in public life

Policy Notes

The Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue and Shifts in the Political Leadership in Serbia: Ready to Resume, but not Prepared for Progress?

Policy Notes

Visa Liberalization Process in Kosovo: A prologue to achievements, challenges and needs

Policy Analysis

On the defence of professionalism of bureaucrats: A discussion upon the protection mechanisms of civil service in Kosovo

Policy Reports

Between privatization, deregulation and liberalization: The failures of energy market strategy in Kosovo and European Union benchmarks

Policy Notes

Are Belgrade’s local elections an end in itself: A view towards the dynamic plan in extending/diminishing hopes for an Ahtisaari-based authority in the northern Kosovo

Policy Reports

Dissimilar Patterns of (Mis)Using the Public Money: Trends and Practices of Public Procurement Management in Kosovar Municipalities

Policy Reports

From Technical Arrangements to Political Haggling: The Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue and the North of Kosovo

Policy Analysis

For a professional public administration: An orientation toward strengthening the professional education of civil servants in Kosovo

Policy Notes

Public procurement practices at the municipal level: A statement of preliminary findings