Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis in general is a policy advice paper which particularly aims to influence the key means through which policy decisions are made in both local and central levels of government. The purpose of Policy Analysis is to address, more in-depth, a particular problem, to examine the arguments related to a concerned policy, and to analyze the implementation of the policy. Through Policy Analysis, Group for Legal and Political studies seeks to stimulate wider comprehensive debate on the given issue via presenting informed

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Policy Analysis

European Reform Agenda – Monitoring Report January-September 2018

Policy Analysis

Missing stability: The effect of volatility in the Kosovar party

Policy Analysis

Rule of Law Performance Index in Kosovo (RoLPIK) – 4th Edition

Policy Analysis

European Reform Agenda Assessment Report 2018

Policy Analysis

Stalling on a process that never happened: A review analysis of the border agreement between Kosovo and Montenegro

Policy Analysis

Albania’s National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) – Three Lessons for the Region

Policy Analysis

Regional Economic Area for the Western Balkans: broader trade implications and implementation challenges for Kosovo

Policy Analysis

TEN YEARS OF STATEHOOD: What are 10 successes and 10 failures that marked the first decade of Independence?

Policy Analysis

Reforming from the Bench – Marking Offside: The (in)effectiveness of the EU Benchmarking Mechanism in the Western Balkans

Policy Analysis

EU’s Benchmarking Mechanism on ‘Fundamentals First’: Results and Challenges – Benchmarking in Kosovo

Policy Analysis

In Search of Consensus: What is Kosovo’s Red Line?

Policy Analysis

The Assessment of the First 100 Days of Government