Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis in general is a policy advice paper which particularly aims to influence the key means through which policy decisions are made in both local and central levels of government. The purpose of Policy Analysis is to address, more in-depth, a particular problem, to examine the arguments related to a concerned policy, and to analyze the implementation of the policy. Through Policy Analysis, Group for Legal and Political studies seeks to stimulate wider comprehensive debate on the given issue via presenting informed

Showing Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis

In Search of Consensus: A proposal

Policy Analysis

The Western Balkans’ Bumpy Quest for EU Integration – Regional Analysis 2016 Comparative Overview

Policy Analysis

An underutilized system: State of Play of the Human Rights framework in Kosovo

Policy Analysis

Kosovo, European Integration and the SAA: An Analysis of citizens’ perceptions

Policy Analysis

Kosovo’s EU candidate status: a goal within reach?

Policy Analysis

An Analysis of the Vetting Process in Albania

Policy Analysis

Kosovo’s Accession to the WTO – An Assessment of Potential Costs and Benefits

Policy Analysis

The Serbian Media and the Dialogue: Has there been an evolution in how Serbian media perceive Kosovo?

Policy Analysis

Western Balkans and its EU Integration: 2015 Comparative Overview

Policy Analysis

Panic Selling – Assessing the main challenges and deficiencies of Kosovo’s Privatization Process

Policy Analysis

An Assessment of the new VAT Policy in Kosovo: its potential impact on consumers and businesses

Policy Analysis

Visa Liberalisation and the Way Forward: Suggestions for a Strategic Approach to the Political Dialogue with Brussels