Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis in general is a policy advice paper which particularly aims to influence the key means through which policy decisions are made in both local and central levels of government. The purpose of Policy Analysis is to address, more in-depth, a particular problem, to examine the arguments related to a concerned policy, and to analyze the implementation of the policy. Through Policy Analysis, Group for Legal and Political studies seeks to stimulate wider comprehensive debate on the given issue via presenting informed

Showing Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis

How Western Balkans growth prospects have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis and recovery packages

Policy Analysis

Socio-economic Impact of COVID-19 in Kosovo

Policy Analysis

Hoti’s First 100 Days: Amidst COVID-19, economic recession and a deal with Serbia

Policy Analysis

Breaking Down Hoti’s New Government: Formation and the 2020-2023 Plan

Policy Analysis

Opportunities for political gain: the instrumentalization of COVID-19 in four Balkan countries

Policy Analysis

Paralleling ICTY’s jurisprudence with the incoming developments of the Kosovo’s Specialized Chambers in Hague

Policy Analysis

Renewing hope? An analysis of the new EU enlargement methodology and its implications for Kosovo

Policy Analysis

Rule of Law Performance Index in Kosovo (RoLPIK) – 5th Edition

Policy Analysis

Measuring Public Opinion on Migration: Who are those citizens of Kosovo most willing to migrate in 2019?

Policy Analysis

New Law on Salaries: An examination of Potential Socio-Economic Effects

Policy Analysis

State Aid in Kosovo: A Wake-up Call

Policy Analysis

An Analysis of the Recent Developments in the Kosovo Serbia Dialogue: A perspective from Brussels