Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis in general is a policy advice paper which particularly aims to influence the key means through which policy decisions are made in both local and central levels of government. The purpose of Policy Analysis is to address, more in-depth, a particular problem, to examine the arguments related to a concerned policy, and to analyze the implementation of the policy. Through Policy Analysis, Group for Legal and Political studies seeks to stimulate wider comprehensive debate on the given issue via presenting informed

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Policy Analysis

National PAR Monitor Kosovo 2021-2022

Policy Analysis

How Kosovo is Positioned in Geoeconomics as the New Global Paradigm of Power Politics – Relations with the EU, Russia, China and the US

Policy Analysis

Western Balkans PAR Monitor 2021-2022

Policy Analysis

Berlin Process Success: Situating the New Policy and Legal Agreements

Policy Analysis

Rule of Law Performance Index in Kosovo – Edition VIII

Policy Analysis

Rule of Law Findings in Kosovo based on the Rule of Law Checklist: Unpredictability in the Law-making Procedures

Policy Analysis

Two Years of Kurti II Government: Setbacks and Achievements

Policy Analysis

Russia’s Increasing Exploitation of Fragile Peace: from northern Kosovo region to global issues

Policy Analysis

Composition of Central Election Commission in Kosovo in the Perspective of International and Comparative Standards in the Region

Policy Analysis

Rule of Law Findings in Kosovo based on the Rule of Law Checklist: A state of deadlock – Third Edition

Policy Analysis

Reporting and handling of domestic violence cases – January – August 2022

Policy Analysis

IPA III and Kosovo: How to react in order to remain competitive in the region?