“What policy impact can one expect from the new law on Strategic Investments: The potential benefits and risks?”

February 3, 2016

On 27 January 2016, Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) and Institute GAP hosted a Panel Discussion on the topic: “What policy impact can one expect from the new law on Strategic Investments: The potential benefits and risks?” held at Swiss Diamond Hotel. The aim of this Panel was to discuss the draft-law on strategic investments, which is expected to be approved by the Assembly in the beginning of this year. The aim of this draft-law, from the perspective of the Government, is to provide an incentive to the foreign direct investments that are perceived as crucial for Kosovo’s economic recovery. As such, GLPS and GAP aim to open the debate about this draft-law, and particularly question whether the objectives and expectation of the Government are correct. A professional debate based on the potential benefits and risks is the best answer. Having regard that this draft-law regulates different aspects of economy and extends the role of the state institutions in economy, panelists attending the event have thoroughly discussed the advantages of alternative policies towards strategic investments and highlighted the main problems that may derive from such policies.  Furthermore, they have agreed that serious challenges such as ongoing political crisis, weak rule of law and corruption are some of the key factors that discourage potential foreign direct investments in Kosovo. The Panel opened with a set of constructive recommendations analyzing different aspects of this draft-law. In particular, GLPS and GAP question whether this policy will endanger the rule of law and indirectly help the expansion of corruptive practices, as well as discuss alternative policies that are able to control the side effects of these policies. A special focus during the Panel was devoted to the government forecasts and expectations, especially as far as the improvement of the environment of doing business in Kosovo and attracting big foreign investors that are still reluctant to consider Kosovo as a good opportunity for investment.

Panelists in Attendance:

Ms. Hykmete Bajrami – Minister of Trade and Industry;

Mr. Muhamet Mustafa – Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development, Infrastructure, Trade and Industry;

Mr. Cezary Michalczuk – Head of Rule of Law and Legal Section – ‎European External Action Service;

Ms. Arbenita Mjekiqi – Senior Officer for EU Integration Policy, Ministry of EU Integration;

Mr. Shpend Balija – Executive Director at the European Investors Council in Kosovo;

Mr.Visar Azemi – Coordinator at Kosovo Civil Society Consortium for Sustainable Development – KOSID;

Mr. Agron Demi – Executive Director, Institute for Advanced Studies, GAP.


Venue: Swiss Diamond Hotel – Diamond Hall

“Mother Theresa” square, 10000, Prishtina, Kosovo

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