Western Balkans and its EU Integration: 2015 Comparative Overview

March 7, 2016

The report has used a comparative approach and was conducted in Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The report entitled: ‘The Western Balkans and its EU Integration: Independent Analysis and Follow up of EC Country Reports on Western Balkans countries’ serves as a first attempt to provide a comprehensive analysis of the EU integration efforts of the Western Balkan. This analysis revealed that, at the political level, the progress of Kosovo was slightly above the regional average, however it achieved the lowest score in the region concerning the level of preparedness in this area. On the economic level, Kosovo had one of the lowest levels of progress and also one of the lowest levels of preparedness. Similarly, concerning the ability to take up membership obligations, the progress of Kosovo was one of the lowest in the region, while the level of preparedness was the second lowest, considerably below the regional average.

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Policy Analysis

Western Balkans and its EU Integration: 2015 Comparative Overview

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