‘Unidentified’ sources of political party financing: Failures and challenges in conducting a regular political party audit

December 21, 2015

On 17 December 2015, Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) hosted a Panel Discussion on the topic: “Unidentified’ sources of political party financing: Failures and challenges in conducting a regular political party audit”, held at EU Info Centre in Prishtina.  The aim of this Panel was to discuss and analyze the obstacles regarding the transparency of political party financing, implementation of the current legislative framework, as well as challenges to establishing a more transparent and accountable political party financing system. Among others, panelists have discussed: a) failures to audit political parties for three consecutive years, b) the impact of such failure towards transparency and accountability of political parties c) identification of mechanisms influencing the enhancement of political party transparency. Moreover, panelists concluded that lack of transparency of political party financing is one of the main obstacles to establish rule of law and democratic governance in Kosovo.

Auditing of political party financing is a fundamental precondition towards a democratic functioning of the state institutions and rule of law in Kosovo. Regular annual auditing and transparency of political party financing sources is an explicit and continuous requirement of European Commission, included in all recent Progress Reports and is closely linked to Kosovo’s European agenda. In addition, panelists agreed that the Assembly Committee on the Oversight of Public Finances should accelerate this process by making it more transparent especially when selecting auditors which will undertake this important role. Transparency of political party financing would enable for the citizens to be informed about the relation between political parties and their private donors and their decision-making process.


  1. Miradije Mavriqi – Head of the Registration of Political Parties Department, Central Election Commission;
  2. Arton Demhasaj – Organisation “Çohu”;
  3. Dren Doli – Group for Legal and Political Studies;
  4. Kaltrina Ahmeti – Group for Legal and Political Studies.

Venue: EU Information and Cultural Centre (opposite of Cinema ABC, “Mother Theresa” Square)

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