The (Pen-) Ultimate Guide to the Specialist Chambers (I) – Nature, organizations and power

December 19, 2018

Obtaining an understanding of the Chambers is now more important than ever, before the institution makes its way to the headlines. This analysis is the first of two that will cover the nature, organization, composition, powers and internal processes of the Chambers. This first part will focus on the nature, competences and structure of the Chambers, emphasizing their particularities, which differentiate them from domestic and international courts. Thus, Section II (Preliminary remarks) delves into these particularities, analyzing the nature, seat, and source of funding of the Chambers. Section III (Specialist Chambers) covers the jurisdiction, composition, and governance of the institution. Section IV (Registry) focuses on the permanent administration of the Chambers headed by the Registrar, its powers and responsibilities. Section V (Specialist Prosecutor) provides an insight on the prosecutorial side of the organization, and the last section summarizes the main points of the analysis.

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