Roundtable on Post-Paris, Post-Brexit – Perspectives for the Western Balkans

November 8, 2016

Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) and GAP Institute hosted a Roundtable Discussion on the topic: “Post-Paris, Post-Brexit – Perspectives for the Western Balkans.” This event took place as a follow-up after the Reflection Forum “The Western Balkans in the European Union: New perspectives on integration?” organized in Paris, May 2016 and the “Civil Society Forum Paris of the Western Balkans Summit Series” which also took place in Paris, July 2016. The Roundtable provided a forum to exchange information, reflect on the achievements of the Berlin process so far and generate fresh contributions for the way forward. Panelists discussed in detailed about the Berlin Process,, its results and impact on the Western Balkans countries so far. They agreed that unlike neighboring countries, Kosovo did not manage to utilize this process in the most efficient way due to a lack of a clear vision strategy. This roundtable was supported by Centre International de Formation Europeenne (Cife), and it is the third one organized after the Tirana and Belgrade roundtables. On this note, three more similar events will take place until the end of the year in the remaining capitals of the Western Balkan countries.


Ms. Valerie Hopkins – Journalist, Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Kosovo;

Mr. Florent Marciacq – Research Associate, Centre Franco-Autrichien pour le rapprochement en Europe (CFA/ÖFZ), Vienna & University of Luxembourg;

Mr. Jeton Mehmeti- Research Director, GAP Institute;

Mr. Fisnik Korenica – Group for Legal and Political Studies.


Venue: Hotel Sirius, Prishtina

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