GLPS Wins Global Research Competition 2012

August 15, 2012

Group for Legal and Political Studies was selected as one of six winners of the Global Development Network’s (GDN) Global Research Competition.  This pilot round of the Global Research Competition attracted over 200 applications for three research themes. After a very competitive selection process, GLPS research project was selected as one of three research teams to receive funding for a research project relating to the theme of Political, Economic, and Social Transformation. Over the next year, this research team will engage in research to answer the question “to what extent has the Albanian and Kosovo party system institutionalized since democratization?” The GDN awarded grants of up to $32,000 to each of the six think tanks who demonstrated a passion for development research, excellent qualifications and dedication to cross-country research.  Information on the Global Development Network, Global Research Competition, and this year’s winners can be found here.

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