GLPS held a Panel Discussion on the ‘Policy options for the future of Trepça and its economic revitalization agenda: Quo Vadis?’

February 27, 2015

On 27 February 2015, Group for Legal and Political Studies held a Panel Discussion and released a Draft Policy Report entitled ‘The future of the Property Status of Trepça and its development (revitalization) perspective’. Although Trepça has a special economic, social and political importance for Kosovo, its current state clearly demonstrates the lack of an effective strategy for the revitalization and its property status. Considering these issues, this discussion enabled to the panelists to express their opinions on matters of property status, potential creditors, foreign investments and the revitalization of Trepça.

The draft Policy Report analyzes the Trepça’s condition through the years by focusing mainly in the mines, major minerals and their prices. Furthermore, this policy report will identify the main challenges of the current legal status of Trepça, creditors’ claims and its undefined status. Among other things, this report offers a set of policy recommendations that would enable the improvement of the current state of Trepça.

Panelists in attendance:

Mr. Blerand Stavileci – Minsiter, Ministry of Economic Development;

Mr. Muhamet Mustafa – Chairman, Committee for Economic Development, Infrastructure, Trade and Industry;

Mr. Visar Ymeri – Member of the Economic Development Committee, Lëvizja Vetëvendosje;

Mr. Fatos Meça – Head of Reorganisation Unit, KPA;

Mr. Ibush Jonuzi – Deputy Manager, Trepça;

Mr. Visar Azemi – Coordinator, KOSID;


 Venue: Orion Conference Centre

Str. ‘Rexhep Luci’, Prishtina, Kosovo

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