Call for Applications for a Training Program for CSOs from Kosovo and Macedonia

January 14, 2015

Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) in partnership with ZIP Institute from Macedonia (lead organization), ICDT from Hungary, MESA 10 from Slovakia and Be International from Czech Republic are implementing the Civil Democratic Development project (Civil De-De) project which advances civil excellence through utilization of a web-based platform for capacity building of NGOs. The project provides the opportunity for NGOs to advance their objectives, influence the democratic transition in a positive way, and pursue common agendas at regional level. The specific objectives of this project are to empower NGOs in Kosovo and Macedonia to proactively use digital media and build cooperation among CSOs by creating a network based dialogue framework.

Within the Civil De De project, a Training Program on Capacity Building will be conducted which particularly targets the NGOs working on issues related to corruption, organized crime, and illegal migration. The training provides a great opportunity for NGOs to improve the collaborative and advocacy capacities, by sharing best the practices of Visegrad member states and provision of person-to-person assistance. Hence, all candidates interested to participate in this Training Program are invited to apply by the 25th of January (CoB) 2015.

For more information on how to apply, please click here.

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