Unfair Treatment? The EU’s facilitator role over the Kosovar or Serbian contempt of the Dialogue

March 7, 2024

This Policy Analysis provides an in-depth analysis on how the EU as facilitator has treated both parties, Kosovo and Serbia, during the normalization Dialogue process when it comes to each or both countries not abiding a request from Brussels. The Analysis considers most recent tensions, but also delves into older periods of crises which prompted international condemnation. It argues that the handling has proven to be unbalanced, with the most recent demonstration being the EU’s application of temporary measures against Kosovo following the Serbian-meddled elections in northern Kosovo and the 24 September Banjska attack, and the very recent upheaval related to the Kosovo Central Bank’s decision to ban the Serbian dinar in local transactions. 

Policy Analysis

Unfair Treatment? The EU’s facilitator role over the Kosovar or Serbian contempt of the Dialogue

Download PDF 07/03/2024

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