Naser Shamolli

public administration reform, rule of law and good governance

Naser Shamolli joined GLPS in February 2021 in the capacity of a Senior Policy Fellow. His work is primary focused on public administration reform, rule of law and good governance. Before joining GLPS, Naser worked in various position in public administration of the Republic of Kosovo. He worked as a Senior Officer for the Oversight of the Municipalities at the Ministry of Local Government Administration for two years. Afterwards he was promoted to Head of Department of the Central Administration at the Ministry of Public Administration for four years. In 2012 he was appointed Head of Legal Department at the same ministry.

With more than 9 years of experience in the civil service, he was engaged in many reform processes in Public Administration. He participated in the drafting processes of the main strategic documents regarding public administration, including the strategy for modernization of public administration, the strategy of better regulation, the strategy for training of civil servants and the strategy for national development. He led many working groups of the Ministry of Public Administration during the drafting of primary and secondary legislation. He also led the working group for drafting the main law package of PAR in Kosovo, including the Law on General Administrative Procedure and the package of legislation for public administration (incl. Law for Organization and Functioning of State Administration and Independent Agencies, Law for Public Officials and Law for Salaries in Public Sector) and the draft law for Administrative Disputes. He cooperated closely with European Commission and SIGMA/OECD for all the reforms conducted during the past years in public administration of the Republic of Kosovo.

Naser finished both, bachelor and master’s degree at University of Pristina, Faculty of Law. His studies focused on Constitutional and Administrative Law.


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