Confiscation of Unjustifiably Acquired Assets in Kosovo: Five key issues to consider during the law drafting process

October 28, 2021

This Policy Note provides an analysis of five key aspects that should be regulated with the new draft law in order to ensure enforcement and legal implementation. The report provides an overview of the current state, while it also offers numerous options and recommendations that the lawmakers can use to draft the law

For the Albanian version, please click here.

This Policy Note is published within the framework of the project titled: “Increasing Access to Justice in Kosovo through an Active Citizenry”, supported by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the U.S. Department of State, through the U.S Embassy in Kosovo.

*The content of this publication is a sole responsibility of the Group for Legal and Political Studies and does not reflect the opinions of the donor.

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