Press Conference on the implementation of the European Reform Agenda for the period of January – September 2018

October 30, 2018

On October 30, Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) – in joint cooperation with Institute GAP and Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS) – held a Press Conference to present an Assessment Report on the level of implementation of objectives deriving from the European Reform Agenda (ERA), for nine-month period of January – September 2018. Data deriving from the monitoring period continue to show low commitment in fulfilling the ERA objective set under each pillar of this strategic document. In specific, during only this monitoring period, out of 108 objectives set in all three pillars of ERA, 51 % were fully achieved, 20% were partially fulfilled, 24 % were not met, while for another 5% there was no information provided. More concretely, institutions assigned to these objectives have fulfilled 62% of the measures set under the Good Governance and Rule of Law pillar, followed by only 28% of measures fulfilled under the pillar of Employment and Education and concluded with 26 measures implemented under the pillar of competitiveness and economic development, which included 44 measures in total. In conclusion, results deriving from this 9-month period show a serious stagnation towards implementing the objectives deriving from ERA which is considered to be one of top priorities of the government, and lacking progress in successfully implementing these objectives will seriously harm Kosovo’s path toward EU integration.

To access the Assessment Report into Albanian, please click here.


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