(Un) Leveling the Field: A Competition Tale!

September 26, 2018

Competition policies remain crucial for the functioning of the market, especially considering the risks posed by highly concentrated markets, where monopolies and other anti-competitive agreements that distort the market are common. For this purpose, this study is primarily divided into two main parts; it first analyses briefly the performance of the Kosovo Competition Authority throughout the years, and then, it provides results of the monitoring of the National Programme for the Implementation of the SAA as well as the ERA, with special reference to the competition area. More precisely, the study is constructed as follow: Section II assesses the performance of KCA by focusing on its human resource and budgetary capacities, the Authority’s Commission, cooperation with other market regulators, and challenges faced throughout the years. Also, this section briefly elaborates on recent developments regarding the State Aid area. Section III provides an analysis of the results of the monitoring process of NPISAA and ERA’s competition chapters and identifies the progress of institutions and their willingness to fulfill objectives deriving from these two crucial documents, whereas the last section provides concluding remarks on competition.

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