The Establishment of a Serbian-Language Public Broadcasting Channel in Kosovo: A new approach to increasing the participation of ethnic communities in public life

June 16, 2012

The Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement, more commonly known as the Ahtisaari Plan, included many directives intended to steer Kosovo’s government in the creation and development of a new democratic and autonomous state that could be representative and supportive of a thriving multi-ethnic polity. Key directives intending to reinforce the rights of communities and support the development of a multi-ethnic public sphere ordered for the development of a multi-ethnic media space. More specifically, Article 3.1, k called for Kosovo to “take all measures necessary to secure an international frequency plan to allow the Kosovo Serb community access to a licensed Kosovo-wide independent Serbian-language television channel. While this directive is the most commonly referenced in pointing to the obligation of the Kosovo government to create an independent public TV station that broadcasts in Serbian, also embedded in the Ahtisaari Plan are additional directives that speak to the aims of such a media scape, such as the creation a mechanism for the development of a thriving public sphere, which should orient the quality-development of RTK-2 and serve as a benchmark when evaluating its effectiveness as a supportive mechanism for intra and inter-ethnic information sharing and dialogue.

Policy Analysis

The Establishment of a Serbian-Language Public Broadcasting Channel in Kosovo: A new approach to increasing the participation of ethnic communities in public life

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