Morning After: Life Without Supervision – A critical review of progress against the Ahtisaari Plan to settle Kosovo’s status and some unresolved issues

August 3, 2012


Dr. Fisnik Korenica
Dr. Dren Doli

In march 2007, Marti Ahtisaari, UN special Envoy for the political process in determining Kosovo’s future status, informed the UN Secretary General (UNSG) that he had reached  the end of his tether with respect to reaching a negotiated settlement between Kosovo and Serbia, on Kosovo’s future status. Accordingly, he submitted to the UNSG a report, accompanied by 12 annexes, which together made up the ‘Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement’ (CSP). The purpose of the document was to provide a road map to to guide Kosovo on its path towards full  democratic independence  and settle Kosovo’s status. While the CSP was not accepted by the UN Security Council, it was formally accepted by Kosovo  as a foundational legal platform for the state and as a reference for Kosovo’s constitution.

Policy Reports

Morning After: Life Without Supervision – A critical review of progress against the Ahtisaari Plan to settle Kosovo’s status and some unresolved issues

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