GLPS & GAP (under KOSID) hosted a Roundtable Discussion on Trepca Mining Complex

April 21, 2014

On 03 February 2014, Group for Legal and Political Studies and GAP Institute, within the framework of KOSID, hosted a Roundtable Discussion on the following topic: ‘Ownership Status of Trepça Mining Complex: The Path Ahead to Promote a New Investment Strategy for its Revitalizatv ion’. The Discussion opened with the presentation of a preliminary Policy Report entitled: “For a New Policy on Trepca’s Property Status: Its problems and the path ahead”. The Policy Report provides an overview of the Trepca Mining Complex, identifies its current challenges vis-a-vis legal status and management of its assets, as well as discusses its impact on the economic development of the Mitrovica region and Kosovo in general. In addition, the Report offers a list of policy recommendations that would help Kosovo institutions orient their policy and develop a sustainable revitalization strategy for Trepca. The panellists, on the other hand, supported the huge economic and strategic importance of Trepca and offered arguments on the orientation that Kosovo Government should take in revitalizing Trepca.

Panelists in Attendance:

Mr. Fisnik Korenica, Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLSP);

Mr. Fadil Ismajli, Minister of Economic Development, Government of Kosovo;

Mr. Visar Ymeri, Member of the Parliamentary Committee for Economic Development, Infrastructure, Trade and Industry, Assembly of Kosovo, Levizja Vetevendosje;


 Moderated by:

Visar Azemi, KOSID



ORION Conference Center, Prishtina,

Str.: ‘Rexhep Luci’ No. 2,



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