Panel Discussion: ‘Challenges from an Ahtisaari Plus Paradigm Solution: What do the Leaders of Ethnic…’

October 8, 2011

Event Summary:
On October 8, Group for Legal and Political Studies hosted a panel discussion about the growing concerns/claims for a new/different regime for the northern Kosovo. This discussion was timely as local Serbs in the northern Kosovo were gathering at barricades and establishing roadblocks to oppose the Kosovo Government’s takeover of border checkpoints. The participants in this panel discussion highlighted the current challenges and prospects of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia and discussed the claims for an Ahtisaari Plus solution for the northern municipalities of Kosovo.

Panel Discussion:
Challenges from an Ahtisaari Plus Paradigm Solution: What do the Leaders of Ethnic Communities in Kosovo Believe?

Key Speakers:
Mr. Fisnik Korenica, Group for Legal and Political Studies

Mr. Slobodan Petrovic, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Local Government Administration and President of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS);

Mr. Belul Beqaj, Analyst and Expert on Kosovo-Serbia relations.

Date: Saturday, October 8, 2011

Venue: Media Centre in Cagllavice (Medija Centru u Čaglavici), Çagllavica, Kosovo.

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