Research Products

Group for Legal and Political Studies publishes Policy Notes, Policy Analysis, and Policy Reports in response to significant events and/or to provide information, analysis, recommendations related to particular areas of interest.

Featured Publications

Policy Analysis

The New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans: A look into the framework and promises

Policy Notes

The Future of Kosova-Serbia Dialogue: Normalization as a Sisyphean Exercise

Policy Analysis

Reflecting on the Third Year of Kurti II: Setbacks and Achievements in Rule of Law, Public Administration and Foreign Policy

Showing Publications

Policy Analysis

Reporting and handling of domestic violence cases – January – August 2022

Policy Notes

Civil Confiscation Procedure in Kosovo: What did the Venice Commission say?

Policy Analysis

IPA III and Kosovo: How to react in order to remain competitive in the region?

Policy Notes

Outcome of the 2022 EU-Western Balkans Summit: The Last Straw?

Policy Analysis

Kosovo’s Agreement with Partnership for Peace: What needs to be done and how?

Policy Analysis

Is EU Integration still an option for Kosovo? Comparing accession negotiations, visa liberalization expectations and participating in the Enlargement framework

Policy Analysis

Rule of Law Findings in Kosovo based on the Rule of Law Checklist: Same old crisis? – Second Edition

Policy Analysis

France, Kosovo and the Western Balkans in the making of a stronger Europe

Policy Analysis

A Review of the Current State of the Justice Sector in Kosovo: Are we up for progress of will the old saga continue?

Policy Analysis

Evaluating Kosovo’s Decision to Refuse the Gas Pipeline Project: Geostrategic losses and gambles

Policy Analysis

Between Promised Reforms and Reality: First Year of Kurti II Government

Policy Analysis

ERA I and ERA II: Improving the Business Environment in Kosovo. An Overview into the Kosovo Competition Authority between Accomplishments and Setbacks